satellite ground stations


Comtech’s Army SATCOM modem win opens door to cross-service sales

Comtech President and CEO Ken Peterman told Breaking Defense the contract for the Army's Enterprise Digital Intermediate Frequency Multi-Carrier (EDIM) modem paves the way toward helping the Space Force in its struggle to figure out how to integrate ground systems for the myriad military and commercial SATCOM networks used by US forces around the world so as to ensure 24/7 access to needed communications bandwidth.

Air Warfare

Raytheon’s OCX, As Expected, Gets OSD Nod

WASHINGTON: There was little doubt that the hack- and jam-proof GPS ground stations known as OCX would be resurrected after incurring a Nunn-McCurdy breach. Even though it was the most screwed up program in the Air Force, was behind schedule and had gone grossly over budget, OCX is a crucial program at an important time. America needs […]